Rev. David S. Smith
“When thou saidest ‘seek ye my face’, my heart said unto thee ‘thy face, lord shall I seek.’” Psalm 27:8
Rev. David Smith has been serving in ministry in various capacities since he was 15 years old. Since 2017, he has served as interim pastor of Cohansey Baptist Church in Bridgeton, NY and Wayland Temple Baptist Church of Philadelphia PA, and is now the senior pastor of Church of the Redeemer Baptist, Inc.
Rev. Smith is the author of the book entitled “Christianese 101; A lexicon for new believers”, which is a 30 day devotional that explains words familiar to the church in language that is easy for everyone to understand. He is also a recording artist with single releases entitled “Lord Be Praised”, “Get The Glory” and “No Fear”.
Rev. Smith received his Bachelors of Science from Clarion University of Pennsylvania and later received a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from The Pennsylvania State University. In 2018, he earned his Masters in Divinity (M.Div) from Palmer Theological seminary and is currently pursuing his Doctorate in Ministry (D.Min) from the same institution.
Rev. Smith is a passionate and loving father of 4 children, entrepreneur, a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated, and a devoted follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. His primary focus in ministry is to allow for all to experience the tangible power and presence of God in life changing and life-giving ways.
“Through many dangers toils and snares I have already come. T’was grace that brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.” Amazing Grace